Arnold Cassola
Jixirqilna Ahjar

It-35 sena tiegħi fil-politika għallmuni nagħraf it-tajjeb mill-ħażin. Aħna, in-nies normali, ħaqqna aħjar u għandna s-setgħa li nbiddlu s-sitwazzjoni bil-vot tagħna. Issa huwa ż-żmien li nibdlu dak kollu li hu ħażin u inġust permezz tal-vot tagħna.

Is-sistema bipartitika wasslet għall-ħerba politika li għandna llum. Il-politiċi qegħdin hemm biex iservu lill-poplu u lis-soċjetà. Madanakollu, ċerti nies tal-business diżonesti u bla skrupli jikkontrollaw ċerti deputati miż-żewġ partiti, u saħansitra lil ministri li, min-naħa tagħhom, irriduċew dik li suppost hi l-vokazzjoni nobbli tal-politika għal eżerċizzju ta’ regħba, nepotiżmu, klijenteliżmu u favoritiżmu.

Illum, numru ta’ istituzzjonijiet tagħna mhux qegħdin jaqdu liċ-ċittadin normali. Il-ħuta’ l-kbira tibqa’ tiekol liż-żgħira. L-inugwaljanza ssaltan.

Dana wassal għal sitwazzjoni fejn numru mdaqqas ta’ Maltin iridu jitqabdu ħajjithom kollha biex ilaħħqu mal-għoli tal-ħajja. Dana kollu mhuwiex ġust.

L-elettorat Malti għandu l-għażla li jkisser din il-forma tossika ta’ politika billi jeleġġi fil-parlament kandidati b’valuri sodi li huma indipendenti u mit-tielet partit u li jiddistingwu ruħhom għall-onestà, l-integrità, il-kredibbiltà u l-konsistenza fl-imġiba tagħhom. Jekk dan ma jseħħx, nibqgħu fejn aħna.

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A visa racket between SHANGHAI AND Malta?

Vu, who recently completed a report for the International Organisation for Migration on the trafficking of people from Vietnam, said teenagers had been moved into Europe through visas issued by the Maltese consulate in Shanghai for English language schools in Malta. Of the 265 Vietnamese students to have been given visas to study at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology since 2021, only two had returned home. The college denies any knowledge of abuse of its courses. (The Guardian) ... See MoreSee Less

A visa racket between SHANGHAI AND Malta?

   Vu, who recently completed a report for the International Organisation for Migration on the trafficking of people from Vietnam, said teenagers had been moved into Europe through visas issued by the Maltese consulate in Shanghai for English language schools in Malta. Of the 265 Vietnamese students to have been given visas to study at the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology since 2021, only two had returned home. The college denies any knowledge of abuse of its courses. (The Guardian)

Jo Etienne...cancer pills nowhere to be found

The plea of a cancer patient: Kieku lesta li nixtrihom anki jekk ma nikolx, imma dawn minn imkien ma ssibhom. ... See MoreSee Less

Jo Etienne...cancer pills nowhere to be found

   The plea of a cancer patient: Kieku lesta li nixtrihom anki jekk ma nikolx, imma dawn minn imkien ma ssibhom.


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18 hours ago

SR Technics: collective agreement no longer valid?

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SR Technics: collective agreement no longer valid?

  Company taken over by Easyjet.
  Employees informed collective agreement  no longer valid.
18 hours ago

The Presidential Palace lights

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The Presidential Palace lights

Walking through Palace Square - what once highlighted the palace’s architectural gems - the flood lights, must have stopped working at some point. Solution: remove and stuff them with concrete.
Mhux xorta !! It’s only the Palace !!!
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Appoġġa lil Arnold Cassola

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